Why does hair react differently to care products?

The condition of our hair is influenced by many factors: dyeing, hair highlighting (which, unfortunately, is not always successful), weather conditions (high or low humidity, heat, cold), lifestyle, stress, the quality of the water with which we wash our hair, bad combs and many other factors.

Sometimes we ourselves do not have time to understand what has changed, and the hair has already become somehow different and the usual care does not help it look the same as before. Any of these changes can be dealt with, with some - more successfully, with some - less.

How to fight?

You need to understand what our hair is, what happens to it, and what condition it is in at the moment. And then the question “how to understand what the hair lacks: moisture, nutrition or proteins” will disappear by itself. 

There is a myth that if you use the same care, your hair gets used to it. The fact is that hair cannot get used to care. If it seems to you that your shampoo and mask have stopped working, this is just a sign that there has been some kind of change in your lifestyle. Here are some examples: styling your hair too often, changing the weather, changing your hairstyle (even if it hasn’t been long since you last visited the salon), or you went to the gym or started doing yoga.

Depending on the weather and other conditions, different care products can be used. For example, a volumizing shampoo works better in dry winters than it does in summers when hair is overexposed to wet weather. Also in winter, more nutritious versions of care are needed, because due to changes in temperature, cold, and hats, hair suffers to a greater extent.

Also, there may be an accumulation of the same type of elements of hair care products. As an example, one can cite “busting with silicones” and other similar expressions, the essence of which boils down to the fact that the hair is oversaturated. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to check the constituent components of the products that you use. We will give a simple example of using a mass-market mask: it is quite capable of temporarily making damaged hair look “like from an advertisement”. Most, however, mistakenly believe that the hair has been cured. In fact, they were covered with a dense film of 2 types of wax and silicone. It makes the hair become much smoother and shinier. What will happen with the constant use of this mask? Naturally, the accumulation of wax, which is poorly washed off with conventional shampoos, especially sulfate-free ones. Over time, the hair will become dull, unmanageable and dry. If before that it was damaged, it will then become even more damaged, it may begin to split and break. Therefore, in order for your hair to look perfect, any product must be selected individually for each type of hair, and, last but not least, for lifestyle.