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Lebel IAU Moist Essence Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU mitrā esence

Esence ir viegls krēms, kas tiek uzklāts uz mitriem matiem pirms žāvēšanas. Piens lieliski aizsargā matus no karstuma bojājumiem, padara tos elastīgus, zīdainus, vadāmus un spīdīgus. Piens aizsargā matus no...
Lebel IAU Sleek Essense Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Sleek Essence

Esence ir viegla eļļa, ko uzklāj mitros matos pirms žāvēšanas un sausiem matiem, lai iegūtu papildu spīdumu. Esence lieliski aizsargā matus no termiskiem bojājumiem, padarot tos elastīgus, zīdainus, vadāmus un...
Lebel IAU Forti Essense Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Forti Essense

Esence ir viegls krēms, kas tiek uzklāts uz mitriem matiem pirms žāvēšanas. Piens lieliski aizsargā matus no karstuma bojājumiem, padara tos elastīgus, zīdainus, vadāmus un spīdīgus. Piens aizsargā matus no...
Lebel IAU SERUM oil Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Esence ir viegla eļļa, ko pirms žāvēšanas uzklāj uz mitriem matiem. Esence lieliski aizsargā matus no karstuma bojājumiem, padara tos elastīgus, zīdainus, vadāmus, spīdīgus un gludus. Aizsargā matus no kaitīgiem...
Lebel Trie Tuner Water Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Trie Tuner ūdens

"Silk Veil" - TRIE Tuner Water 0 - ir bezsvara aerosols, kas aizsargā matus, atvieglo vieglu ķemmēšanu un palīdz veidot dabisku veidojumu. Novērš sapīšanos un noņem statisko elektrību. Piemērots pat...
Lebel Trie Tuner Cream Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Trie Tuner krēms

Universāls, maigs un viegls krēms revitalizācijai un termiskai aizsardzībai. Izlīdzina, padara matus apstrādājamus, pilnus, elastīgus un spīdīgus. Mīkstina stīvus matus un padara plānus un sausus matus pilnus un veselīgus. Aizsargā...
Lebel Proedit Hair Skin ENERGY Watering Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit Matu Ādas ENERĢIJAS laistīšana

Piepilda matus ar dzīvības enerģiju, padarot tos biezus un apjomīgus. Ideāli piemērots smalkiem, apjomīgiem matiem. Galvenās aerosola aktīvās sastāvdaļas labvēlīgi iedarbojas uz galvas ādu: mitrina, uzlabo asinsriti, stiprina matu saknes...
Lebel Proedit Hair Skin WAKE Watering Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit matu ādas WAKE laistīšana

Piepilda matus ar vitalitāti, padarot tos vadāmus un mitrinātus. Ideāli piemērots nepaklausīgiem, sausiem matiem. Spreja galvenās aktīvās sastāvdaļas labvēlīgi iedarbojas uz galvas ādu: tās mitrina, uzlabo asinsriti, stiprina matu saknes...

Sun Protection for Hair

Summer is here, and while we often remember to protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun, our hair frequently gets neglected. Like our skin, our hair is vulnerable to sun damage, leading to dryness, color fade, and brittleness. This comprehensive guide will explore effective solutions for hair sun protection, ensuring your locks remain healthy and vibrant all season.

Hair Protection from the Sun: Why It's Essential

When we plan our summer activities, our focus often gravitates towards skin protection, while our hair care takes a backseat. However, just as the sun's rays can cause skin damage, they can be equally harmful to our hair. Protecting your hair from the sun is not just a matter of maintaining its appearance but also preserving its health and integrity.

Grasping the Effects of UV Rays on Hair Health

The sun radiates ultraviolet (UV) rays which are capable of damaging both the skin and hair. For hair, these rays can penetrate deep into the cuticle and cortex, leading to various forms of damage:

  • Color Fade and Bleaching: UV exposure to dyed hair can lead to rapid color fade, while natural hair may experience unwanted lightening or bleaching effects.
  • Protein Damage: hair is predominantly made up of a protein known as keratin. UV rays can break down these proteins, leading to weakened, brittle strands.
  • Moisture Loss: exposure to the sun can deplete the natural oils in hair, resulting in dryness and a heightened risk of breakage.
  • Scalp Damage: the scalp, much like any other skin area, can suffer from sunburn, leading to dryness, flakiness, and irritation.

Hair SPF: Your First Line of Defense

As we embrace the warmth and brightness of the sun, it's imperative to think about sun protection for hair. Exclusive Cosmetics presents a remarkable line of professional Japanese hair care products designed not just to offer hair SPF but also to provide comprehensive hair protection from Sun.

The Crucial Role of High SPF in Hair Care

Understanding the significance of sunscreen for hair is critical in our battle against UV damage. The products at Exclusive Cosmetics, boasting an SPF of 30, stand at the forefront of this defense. This elevated level of hair SPF plays a crucial role in saving your hair from the detrimental impacts of UV rays, such as dryness, fragility, and the loss of hair color vibrancy.

Beyond Sun Protection: The Multifaceted Benefits of Japanese Hair Care

These innovative Japanese professional hair care products excel in multiple areas:

  • Restoration and Repair: apart from protecting hair from sun, these products like IAU Forti Essence and IAU Sleek Essence are infused with ingredients that help restore and rejuvenate hair damaged by sun exposure.
  • Shielding from External Odors: a unique advantage of these products is their ability to protect your hair from external odors, ensuring it stays fresh and clean.
  • Thermal Protection: recognizing the need for hair protection and heat, these products like Proedit Hairskin Energy Watering and Proedit Hairskin Wake Watering offer excellent thermal protection, making them ideal for heat styling tools.
  • Guarding Against Mechanical Damage: frequent styling and environmental stressors can cause mechanical hair damage. Using these SPF-enriched products helps create a protective barrier, reducing the risk of such damage.

Budget-friendly, Multifunctional Hair Care

Exclusive Cosmetics offers a practical solution for those conscious about budget yet seeking effective sunscreen for hair. They provide free professional care selection assistance, ensuring customers find the best-suited product for their hair needs.

  • 7-in-1" Non-Rinse Care with SPF: addressing the misconception that Japanese hair care is prohibitively expensive, Exclusive Cosmetics showcases its "7-in-1" non-rinse care products. These multi-benefit products, including significant sun protection for hair, demonstrate that high-quality hair care can be affordable and multifunctional.

Hair Sun Protection Spray: A Convenient and Effective Solution

In addition to the comprehensive care offered by the SPF-enriched products, Exclusive Cosmetics also offers an innovative hair sun protection spray. This spray is a game-changer for those seeking a convenient and effective way to protect their hair from sun damage.

  • Easy Application: the SPF hair spray can be quickly and evenly applied, making it perfect for on-the-go use.
  • Broad-Spectrum Protection: like its cream and oil counterparts, the spray like The silk veil Lebel TRIE Tuner Water 0 provides a broad-spectrum UV hair protector, ensuring your hair is shielded from UVA and UVB rays.
  • Lightweight Formula: unlike some sun protection products that can weigh hair down, this spray is formulated to be lightweight, leaving your hair feeling natural and unburdened.

By incorporating the hair sun protection spray into your daily routine, you can effortlessly provide your hair with the protection it needs, keeping it healthy, strong, and vibrant, even amid summer's brightest days.

Incorporating these Japanese professional hair care products into your routine is brilliant for anyone seeking effective sun protection for hair. Their high SPF, therapeutic properties, and multiple hair health benefits represent an all-encompassing approach to hair protection from the sun. By choosing these products, you ensure your hair remains healthy, vibrant, and well-protected under the sun's rays.