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Lebel IAU Cell Care 3M Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 3M

šķidrais bambusa ekstrakts, arginīns, glicerīns, lymnanthus baltā ekstrakts. Dziļi mitrinošs krēms piepilda matus ar nepieciešamo mitruma daudzumu, padarot tos veselīgus, elastīgus un blīvus. Atjauno matu struktūru un līdzsvaro šķeltos galus....
Lebel IAU Cell Care 3S Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 3S

Intensīvi nostiprinošais matu krēms Lebel IAU Cell Care 3S Silky ir trešā Lebel procedūras "Happiness for Hair" sastāvdaļa. Izmanto smalkiem sausiem matiem. Intensīvi nostiprinošs matu krēms ir paredzēts retām un...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 4 Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU šūnu kopšana 4

šķidrais bambusa ekstrakts, arginīns, glicerīns, lymnanthus baltā ekstrakts. Dziļi mitrinošs krēms piepilda matus ar nepieciešamo mitruma daudzumu, padarot tos veselīgus, elastīgus un blīvus. Atjauno matu struktūru un līdzsvaro šķeltos galus....
Lebel Proedit CELL Care Works C Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit CELL Care Works C

Serums nodrošina reģenerāciju, ļauj sagatavot matus turpmākai intensīvai ārstēšanai. Intensīvi baro, aizsargā un mitrina matus, atjauno mata stiebra ūdens līdzsvaru molekulārā līmenī. Izmantošanai tikai kā spa procedūru sastāvdaļa (“Laime matiem”...
Lebel Proedit CELL Care Works N Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit CELL Care Works N

Proedit Care Works Serum N ir otrais no 4 programmas "Spīdums un spēks" komponentiem. Otrais Lebel programmas "Spīdums un spēks" komponents - Proedit Care Works Serum N ir vērsts uz...
Lebel Proedit CELL Care Works P Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit CELL Care Works P

Intensīvi atjauno proteīna struktūru un padara matus pilnus un blīvus. Atjaunojošās "Laime matiem" SPA procedūras solis Proedit Care Works Serum P ir japāņu zīmola Lebel daudzpakāpju intensīvās matu kopšanas programmas...
Lebel Proedit CELL Care Works Element Fix Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit CELL Care Works Element Fix

Serums fiksē labvēlīgās sastāvdaļas matu iekšienē. Piešķir matiem nepieciešamo elastību, elastību un spīdumu. Atjaunojošās "Laime matiem" SPA procedūras solis. Produktu līnijas Lebel Proedit Care Works kompleksais darbs ir vērsts uz...
Napla Imprime premier repair 1 Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Drukāt pirmo remontu 1

Šī maska ​​mājas matu atjaunošanai ir īsts glābiņš bojātām, trauslām, blāvām lokām ar šķeltiem galiem. Kosmētikas līdzeklis neiedarbojas uz matu virsmu, bet iekļūst dziļi zem kutikulas, piesātinot un barojot šķipsnas...
Napla Imprime premier repair 2 Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Drukāt pirmo remontu 2

Imprime Premier Repair losjons ir nākamais Imprime Premier Repair SPA kompleksa solis Losjons  ar hidrolizētu keratīnu, platīna nanodaļiņām un hialuronskābi. Šis sastāvs nodrošina komponentu papildu caurlaidību no nākamās fāzes. Losjons...
Napla Imprime premier repair 3 Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Izdrukāt pirmo remontu 3

Efekta nostiprināšana ir ne mazāk svarīga kā atjaunošana. Bez kutikulas noblīvēšanas visas barības vielas un keratīns tiks iznīcinātas, pakļaujot to augstām temperatūrām un agresīviem kopšanas līdzekļiem. Imprime Premier Repair 3...
Napla Imprime Premier Repair — vienas lietošanas komplekts

Napla Imprime Premier Repair — vienas lietošanas komplekts

Profesionāla salona procedūra matu atjaunošanai, izmantojot inovatīvus japāņu kosmētikas produktus Napla Imprime Premier Repair. Trīs pakāpju kopšana atgriež cirtām dabisku mirdzumu, elastību un gludumu uz ilgu laiku, un, lietojot pagarinošu...
LebeL Trigger
1 pcs

LebeL Trigger

LebeL Trigger (CMC, NMF, PPT 150 ml)


Diving into the transformative world of Japanese beauty rituals, one cannot help but be enchanted by the meticulous care and reverence given to hair and scalp wellness. At the heart of this beauty philosophy lies a deep-rooted belief in nurturing both the visible and invisible aspects of self-care. Enter the realm of Exclusive Cosmetics, where we've harnessed centuries-old Japanese rituals and modern science to craft an unparalleled line of Hair and Scalp Spa Products. Our collection is not just a testament to the fusion of tradition and innovation; it's a gateway to experiencing the profound benefits of Spa-quality hair and scalp treatment in your sanctuary. 

Experience Rejuvenation with Our Hair and Scalp Treatment Products

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for self-care can feel like an indulgence. Yet, with Exclusive Cosmetics, this indulgence transforms into an essential daily practice. Our offerings are a fusion of time-honored Japanese beauty rituals and the latest scientific advancements, delivering an unmatched scalp spa treatment.

These treatments transcend the ordinary, offering a deep and lasting transformation. Powered by nature's finest extracts and breakthrough formulations, they reach the very heart of hair and scalp issues. From combating dryness and oiliness to soothing sensitive scalps, our scalp spa treatment is meticulously designed to enhance your hair's natural beauty and vitality.

What are the Benefits of Head Spa Treatment?

The essence of a Spa scalp treatment lies in its holistic approach. Not only does it aim to improve hair quality and scalp health, but it also offers a serene retreat for the mind. Here are some key benefits:

  • Revitalized Scalp Health: The foundation of lustrous, healthy hair lies in the well-being of the scalp. Our hair Spa treatments are designed to cleanse and exfoliate, removing buildup and promoting deep circulation. This process rejuvenates the scalp, encouraging healthier hair growth and restoring balance to your natural ecosystem.
  • Intense Hydration and Nourishment: Infused with an exquisite blend of spa creams for hair, our treatments penetrate deeply to hydrate and nourish from within. By addressing dryness and damage at its source, we ensure that your hair emerges softer, firmer, and more resilient against the stresses of daily life.
  • Stress Relief and Relaxation: The sensory experience of a head Spa treatment — a symphony of gentle massage, aromatic scents, and the warmth of nourishing ingredients — is a powerful form of stress relief. It not only relaxes the mind but also positively affects the health of your hair and scalp, proving that beauty and wellness are intrinsically linked.
  • Enhanced Hair Texture and Shine: Regular treatments with our hair scalp Spa products visibly improve the texture and shine of your hair. Restoring the hair's natural oils and incorporating advanced moisturizing formulas leaves your locks with a radiant, healthy glow that feels as good as it looks.
  • Preventative Care for Scalp and Hair Issues: Our head Spa treatments are not just about immediate results; they're a proactive measure against common scalp and hair concerns. Maintaining a healthy scalp environment helps prevent dandruff, scalp sensitivity, and hair loss before they begin.

With Spa hair products from Exclusive Cosmetics, every day is an opportunity to treat yourself to tranquility and care. Our products don't just nourish your hair; they transform your home into a spa, offering a respite from the chaos of daily life.