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Natural Hair Soap Cypress
Depuis €9,80
Lebel Cypress Shampooing à l'extrait de cyprès japonais pour cuir chevelu sec sensible, combat les pellicules sèches. Le cuir chevelu sec et sensible nécessite un nettoyage délicat particulier. Shampooing de...
Ensemble volume et douceur
Un magnifique ensemble donne à vos cheveux un joli volume.Le shampooing stimule la croissance des cheveux et nettoie parfaitement. Le revitalisant rend les cheveux soyeux et brillants. Le shampooing Viege...
Natural Hair soap Jojoba
Depuis €9,80
Enrichi en extraits naturels de plantes, le shampooing Lebel Jojoba nourrit et hydrate parfaitement les cheveux, gardant l'humidité à l'intérieur pendant longtemps. Convient aux cheveux secs, cassants, indisciplinés et allongés....
Perfect curls
The perfect set for wavy hair! Makes your curls neat, full, beautiful and shiny! Shampoo with seaweed extract Hair Soap with Seaweed refers to the natural products of the Japanese brand...
Axxzia Mate for Eyes Home Machine
ATTENTION: This product will be sent to you directly from our second warehouse, which is outside the EU area, so the parcel will be charged with duty and VAT The...
Couleur Labo Zogankin Bloom
ATTENTION: This product will be sent to you directly from our second warehouse, which is outside the EU area, so the parcel will be charged with duty and VAT The...
The best summer holiday kit
Recovery from sea water, SPF protection, revitalisation. Shampoo with seaweed extract Hair Soap with Seaweed refers to the natural products of the Japanese brand Lebel. It is designed for gentle cleansing...
Perfect curls set
The perfect set for wavy hair! Makes your curls neat, full, beautiful and shiny! Shampoo with seaweed extract Hair Soap with Seaweed refers to the natural products of the Japanese brand...