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LebeL steel pouch stand & pump
For LebeL Hair care 1000ml refill there is no need to transfer the refills to a container. It can be used for the following products LebeL IAU cleansing CLEARMENT (1000ml...
Napla Imprime Premier Repair
Z €385,00
Profesjonalny zabieg salonowy odbudowujący włosy z wykorzystaniem innowacyjnych japońskich produktów kosmetycznych Napla Imprime Premier Repair. Trzyetapowa pielęgnacja przywraca lokom naturalny blask, elastyczność i gładkość na długi czas, a przy zastosowaniu...
Axxzia Mate for Eyes Home Machine
ATTENTION: This product will be sent to you directly from our second warehouse, which is outside the EU area, so the parcel will be charged with duty and VAT The...
Couleur Labo Zogankin Bloom
ATTENTION: This product will be sent to you directly from our second warehouse, which is outside the EU area, so the parcel will be charged with duty and VAT The...
The best summer holiday kit
Recovery from sea water, SPF protection, revitalisation. Shampoo with seaweed extract Hair Soap with Seaweed refers to the natural products of the Japanese brand Lebel. It is designed for gentle cleansing...
Imprime premier repair 2
Z €69,00
Imprime Premier Repair balsam to kolejny krok kompleksu Imprime Premier Repair SPA Lotion z hydrolizowaną keratyną, nanocząsteczkami platyny i kwasem hialuronowym. Skład ten zapewnia dodatkową przepuszczalność składników kolejnej fazy. Lotion...
LebeL steel pouch stand
For LebeL Hair care 1000ml refill there is no need to transfer the refills to a container. It can be used for the following products LebeL IAU cleansing CLEARMENT (1000ml...
LebeL pump
For LebeL Hair care 1000ml refill there is no need to transfer the refills to a container. It can be used for the following products LebeL IAU cleansing CLEARMENT (1000ml...
Perfect curls set
The perfect set for wavy hair! Makes your curls neat, full, beautiful and shiny! Shampoo with seaweed extract Hair Soap with Seaweed refers to the natural products of the Japanese brand...
Imprime premier repair 3
Z €150,00
Fixing the effect is no less important than restoration. Without sealing the cuticle, all nutrients and keratin will be destroyed when exposed to high temperatures and aggressive care products. Imprime...
Imprime premier repair 1
Z €150,00
Ta maska do domowej odbudowy włosów to prawdziwe wybawienie dla zniszczonych, łamliwych, matowych loków z rozdwojonymi końcówkami. Kosmetyk nie działa na powierzchni włosów, lecz wnika głęboko pod łuski, nasycając i...