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Lebel IAU Cell Care SPA – vienkartinis rinkinys

Lebel IAU Cell Care SPA – vienkartinis rinkinys

Plaukų atstatymas ir drėkinimas molekuliniu lygmeniu IAU Cell Care SPA „Absoliuti laimė plaukams“ programa iš Japonijos prekės ženklo Lebel. Pasirinkite 3 komponentą, atsižvelgdami į jūsų plaukų tipą: 3M – kietiems plaukams...
Lebel Proedit Bounce Fit+ Hair Treatment Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit Bounce Fit+ plaukų procedūra

Suminkština ir stipriai atkuria vidinę plaukų struktūrą (iki žievės lygio). Panaudojus kaukę plaukai tampa žvilgantys, slenkantys, pilni elastingumo ir tvirtumo. Išlaiko dažytų plaukų ryškumą. SPF 15. Atkuriamoji kaukė Proedit Bounce...
Lebel IAU SERUM Cream Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU SERUM kremas

Pakeičia drėgmės ir maistinių medžiagų trūkumą žievės ir odelių baltymų struktūrose. Po užtepimo plaukai tampa lankstūs, minkšti, paklusnūs, lygesni ir lengviau formuojami. Išlaiko dažytų plaukų ryškumą. Švelnus aromatinis kremas IAU...
Lebel IAU SERUM cleansing shampoo Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU SERUM valomasis šampūnas

Drėkinamasis šampūnas, tinkantis visų tipų galvos odai ir plaukams, įskaitant jautrią odą. Padaro plaukus paklusnius, išlygina, vizualiai atrodo didesni, plauko struktūra tampa tankesnė. Išlaiko dažytų plaukų ryškumą. Sudėtyje nėra sulfatų....
Lebel Proedit FLOAT CLEANSING Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Lebel Proedit Hair Skin Float Cleansing yra naudingas higieninis produktas, skirtas giliai išvalyti galvos odą, taip pat skatinti sveikų ir stiprių plaukų augimą. Skatina negyvų dalelių pašalinimą, toksiškų likučių pašalinimą...
Lebel IAU Moist Essence Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU drėgna esencija

Esmė – lengvas kremas, tepamas ant drėgnų plaukų prieš džiovinimą. Pienas puikiai apsaugo plaukus nuo karščio daromos žalos, padaro juos lankstus, šilkinius, paklusnius ir žvilgančius. Pienas apsaugo plaukus nuo žalingų...
Lebel IAU Sleek Essense Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Sleek Essence

Esmė yra lengvas aliejus, kuris tepamas ant drėgnų plaukų prieš džiovinimą, o sausiems plaukams suteikia papildomo žvilgesio. Esmė puikiai apsaugo plaukus nuo terminės žalos, todėl jie tampa elastingi, šilkiniai, paklusnūs...
Lebel IAU Forti Essense Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Forti Essense

Esmė – lengvas kremas, tepamas ant drėgnų plaukų prieš džiovinimą. Pienas puikiai apsaugo plaukus nuo karščio daromos žalos, padaro juos lankstus, šilkinius, paklusnius ir žvilgančius. Pienas apsaugo plaukus nuo žalingų...
Lebel IAU cream SILKY REPAIR Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Sukurta prižiūrėti plonus, susilpnėjusius, neapimtus plaukus. Suteikia tankumo, lankstumo ir elastingumo. Atkuria plaukus, daro juos stiprius ir sveikus. SPF 15. Produkto sudėtyje yra natūralūs komponentai ir ląstelių membranų kompleksas, galintis...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 5M Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 5M

Idealiai tinka sausiems ir pažeistiems plaukams atkurti, drėkina, daro plaukus glotnius, žvilgančius ir šilkinius. Padaro plaukus paklusnius ir pilnus drėgmės. Prailgina Lebel saloninės procedūros „Laimė plaukams“ veikimą.  IAU Cell Care...
Lebel Proedit Bounce Fit Hair Treatment Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit Bounce Fit plaukų procedūra

Suminkština ir stipriai atkuria vidinę plaukų struktūrą (iki žievės lygio). Panaudojus kaukę plaukai tampa žvilgantys, slenkantys, pilni elastingumo ir tvirtumo. Išlaiko dažytų plaukų ryškumą. SPF 15. Atkuriamoji kaukė Proedit Bounce...
Lebel IAU Mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU kaukė

Atkuria plaukų struktūrą ląstelių lygiu. Kaukės sudedamosios dalys atkuria ląstelių membranų kompleksą plauko viduje, suteikia blizgesio ir glotnumo, gerina struktūrą, gydo išsišakojusius galiukus ir palengvina plaukų formavimą. Kaukė padaro plaukus...

Lebel kosmetika

In the world of hair care, a few brands stand out by offering something truly exceptional, and Lebel Cosmetics is one of them. Emerging from the rich tradition of Japanese craftsmanship, its philosophy goes beyond mere aesthetics, delving into what it means to have healthy and beautiful hair. With a wide-ranging collection of specialized products designed to address both scalp and hair issues, it has established itself as a leader in the field. Let's guide you into the world of Lebel JP, where quality, innovation, and beauty come together to redefine hair care.

Lebel Hair Care Products

Lebel is a one-of-a-kind brand that comprehensively addresses both scalp and hair problems. This unique philosophy sets them apart, centering on the vital principle that healthy hair can only grow from a healthy scalp. It's this fundamental understanding that shapes their exceptional product line.

The brand offers specially tailored shampoos for every skin type, ensuring optimal care and nourishment. But the brand's innovation doesn't stop there; their diverse range includes unique products like peels, balms, detox treatments and SPA masks for skin and hair. Additionally, they offer products that stimulate hair growth, focusing on a holistic approach to Lebel hair care.

A significant aspect of Lebel's distinction lies in the composition of their products. Rich in unique components and plant extracts, they boast a specialized CMC complex - a cell membrane complex that binds all the structural parts of hair together. This innovative ingredient ensures that hair becomes resilient and elastic after using these cosmetics.

Many of Lebel's products aim to rejuvenate the scalp and strengthen hair. This approach ensures that users achieve a stunning visual effect and enjoy genuinely healthy hair. It's a testament to Lebel's commitment to quality and well-being.

Lebel's Product Range

In the dynamic and demanding realm of hair care, finding the right solution for different hair and skin types can be complex. But Lebel's product range masterfully simplifies this process. Carefully curated, the assortment offers the correct solutions for every hair and skin type: 

  • Lebel Cool Orange Line: a perfect fit for extending hair freshness and stimulating growth.
  • Lebel Viege Line: targeted at revitalizing the skin and restoring volume and elasticity, it's particularly effective in stimulating hair growth.
  • Lebel Natural Line: a versatile line suitable for all hair types and children.
  • Lebel IAU Serum Line: developed for dry, lackluster hair that needs to become more obedient, smoother, and voluminous.
  • Lebel IAU Line: a universal line containing products for different hair and skin types. 

The Exclusive Cosmetics team professionally and freely assists in choosing the proper care, even providing effective solutions for allergic skin or those with dandruff.

Beyond the standard shampoos and balms, Lebel offers non-rinse care that protects and restores hair while giving it the desired effect (including essences, hair emulsions, sprays, and creams). All formulations are lightweight, offering hydration without heaviness.

Various peels, terminal sprays for the skin, and therapeutic products for strengthening hair and stimulating growth are available. Lebel's Restorative SPA Treatment, known as "Happiness for Hair" in countries where it's recognized, is transformative, deeply restoring, and energizing hair. It's recommended to undergo this procedure once a month.

The product range emphasizes quality and precision, tailoring to the specific needs and desires of every person. From the highly specialized lines to the broad-spectrum solutions, Lebel ensures that every strand of hair receives the attention, nourishment, and treatment it deserves. Even those with specific skin conditions will find practical solutions within the brand's professional range. 

The Secret Behind Lebel's Popularity

The popularity of Lebel Cosmetics doesn't hinge on mere advertising or superficial allure. Instead, it's grounded in an aspect far more compelling: effectiveness. This quality distinguishes the brand from the myriad hair care products available today. It's not just about using shampoo; it's about experiencing a transformation.

Try the Lebel shampoo just once, and you'll immediately grasp what makes these products so distinct from everything you've used before. It's not merely a fleeting visual appeal; it's a profound change you can see and feel. Your skin will revel in newfound freshness, and your hair will come alive as never before – beautiful, resilient, and elastic.

The brilliance of Lebel lies in its unwavering capability to fulfill the promises it makes. It's not just about cleansing or superficial enhancement; it's about nourishing, rejuvenating, and bringing out the best in your hair. The magnificent external effect is matched by the skin's deep, satisfying freshness, breathing life into every strand of hair.

The secret of Lebel's success is an open one: it's the real change users feel and see in their hair. It's an assurance stemming from the realization that your well-being is not confined to mere appearance but also encompasses how you feel inside. It's a love affair with your hair that begins with one use of Lebel shampoo and grows with every subsequent touch of the unique range.

Why Choose Lebel?

Choosing a hair care brand in our online store Exclusive Cosmetics can be overwhelming, with many options available. So why choose Lebel? Here are a few justifications:

  • effectiveness
  • diverse product range
  • unique formulations
  • holistic approach
  • rejuvenating solutions
  • exclusive treatments
  • professional assistance
  • responsibly crafted
  • satisfaction guarantee
  • a lifestyle choice

Choosing Lebel is choosing a partnership with a brand that cares, innovates, and enriches.

It's about adopting a brand that assists you in evolving into the most exceptional rendition of yourself. Exclusive Cosmetics is your trusted online destination to Lebel buy online, offering all things related to exquisite hair care products. Our partnership ensures that you get authentic and top-quality products, making it easy for you to experience the renowned effectiveness of the brand right from the comfort of your home.