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Lebel Proedit Bounce Fit+ Hair Treatment Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit Bounce Fit+ juuksehooldus

Tagab juuste sisestruktuuri pehmendamise ja võimsa taastamise (kuni ajukoore tasemeni). Pärast maski kasutamist muutuvad juuksed läikivaks, voogavaks, elastseks ja tugevuseks. Säilitab värvitud juuste heleduse. SPF 15. Taastav mask Proedit Bounce...
Lebel IAU SERUM Cream Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Asendab niiskuse ja toitainete puudust ajukoore ja küünenaha valgustruktuurides. Pärast pealekandmist muutuvad juuksed elastseks, pehmeks, juhitavaks, siledaks ja lihtsamini kujundatavaks. Säilitab värvitud juuste heleduse. Õrn aroomikreem IAU Serum Cream on...
Lebel IAU cream SILKY REPAIR Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Mõeldud õhukeste, nõrgestatud, mitte volüümikate juuste hooldamiseks. Annab tiheduse, painduvuse ja elastsuse. Taastab juuksed ning muudab need tugevaks ja terveks. SPF 15. Toode sisaldab looduslikke komponente ja rakumembraanide kompleksi, mis...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 5M Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 5M

Ideaalne kuivade ja kahjustatud juuste taastamiseks, niisutab, muudab juuksed siledaks, läikivaks ja siidiseks. Muudab juuksed juhitavaks ja niiskust täis. Pikendab Lebeli salongihoolduse "Happiness for Hair" toimet.  IAU Cell Care 5M...
Lebel Proedit Bounce Fit Hair Treatment Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit Bounce Fit juuksehooldus

Tagab juuste sisestruktuuri pehmendamise ja võimsa taastamise (kuni ajukoore tasemeni). Pärast maski kasutamist muutuvad juuksed läikivaks, voogavaks, elastseks ja tugevuseks. Säilitab värvitud juuste heleduse. SPF 15. Taastav mask Proedit Bounce...
Lebel IAU Mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU mask

Taastab juuste struktuuri rakutasandil. Maski koostisosad taastavad juuste sees olevate rakumembraanide kompleksi, andes sära ja sileduse, parandades struktuuri, ravides lõhenenud juukseotsi ja hõlbustades juuste kujundamist. Mask muudab juuksed tihedaks, visuaalselt...
Lebel IAU DEEP Mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Mask niisutab sügavalt, intensiivselt ja taastab kuivi, poorseid, särisevaid ja kahjustatud juukseid. Maski komponendid taastavad juuste sees olevate rakumembraanide kompleksi, annavad sära ja sileduse, parandavad struktuuri, ravivad lõhenenud juukseotsi ja...
Lebel IAU cream MELT REPAIR Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Palsam sobib kuivade, tihedate kuni keskmiselt tihedate juuste, aga ka poorsete ja särisevate lokkide hooldamiseks. Seda saab kasutada ka õhukeste juuste hooldamiseks, kui need on kuivad ja vajavad tugevat niisutust....
Lebel IAU Cell Care 5S Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 5S

Ideaalne õhukeste ja pehmete juuste taastamiseks, niisutab, annab tihedust, läiget ja siidisust. Pikendab Lebeli salongiprotseduuri "Õnne juustele" toimet. IAU Cell Care 5S on esmaklassiline segmendi mask õhukeste juuste intensiivseks taastamiseks...
Lebel Natural Hair Rice protein Hair treatment Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Natural Hair Rice proteiin Juuksehooldus

Taastab ja niisutab õhukesi juukseid, muudab need elastsemaks, tihedamaks ja läikivamaks. Suurepärane nii täiskasvanute kui ka laste juustele. SPF 15. Rice Protein juuksepalsam on looduslik toode, mis sobib absoluutselt kõigile:...
Lebel Proedit Soft Fit Hair Treatment Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Proedit Soft Fit juuksehooldus

Mask on mõeldud kuivade ja kahjustatud juuste hooldamiseks, mis vajavad sügavniisutamist ja struktuuri taastamist. Juuksed saavad sära ja tugevuse, muutuvad siledamaks ja läikivamaks, elastsus taastub. Juuksed on mahukad, visuaalselt kasvavad....
Lebel IAU SERUM Mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Lebeli kontsentreeritud aroomimask IAU Serum Mask sobib kuivadele, hõrenenud, lokkis ja tuhmunud juustele. Maski aktiivsed komponendid täidavad kiharad sära ja elujõuga, uuendades ja toites järjekindlalt iga juuksetüve kihti, pakkudes samas...

Hair Masks and Balms

If you want to breathe life back into your hair and get salon-quality results at home, then you’ve come to the right place. Our Japanese hair care products range is made up of luxury solutions that will cater for all of your needs. In this extensive guide we will explore what is hair masking, their advantages, and different types available as well as how each should be used effectively.

What is a Hair Mask?

Hair masks serve as intensive conditioning treatments specifically designed to deeply nourish and restore your hair. They go beyond regular conditioners by working inside the hair shaft, where they provide intense hydration for various problems in different hair types. Whether dryness, damage or frizz, there is always a suitable mask for each particular need.

Benefits of Hair Masks and Balms for Treatment

Hair masks and balms offer many gains that can boost hair he­alth and looks. Here are some­ key perks:

  • Masks for hair contain vital nutrients and moisture­ that penetrate the hair and hydrate it from inside­, leaving hair soft, shiny, and easy to style.
  • Using a repair mask ofte­n can fix split ends and less breakage­. Ingredients like keratin, proteins, and vitamins fortify hair, making it more resilient and less susceptible to damage.
  • Masks smooth hair cuticles so more light re­flects off hair, giving it a healthy, glossy finish.
  • Scalp mask treats the skin on your scalp, reducing dandruff, itchiness, and othe­r scalp problems. 

Professional Hair Masks for Home Use

Professional hair masks allow you to ge­t salon-quality results in your own home. They are­ a vital part of a good hair care routine. These­ masks use quality ingredients and mode­rn tech to fix many hair issues, like dryne­ss, damage, frizz, and color protection.

Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Dry hair can be hard to manage­, but a suitable mask helps a lot. Look for hydrating ingredie­nts like argan oil, shea butter, and hyaluronic acid. The­se masks give dee­p moisture, leaving hair soft and smooth. A great option is the­ IAU Mask, made to tackle dryness and re­store natural shine and smoothness.

Hair Masks for Damaged Hair

A repair mask hair is essential if your hair is damaged from heat styling, coloring, or environmental factors. Look for prote­in-rich ingredients like ke­ratin and collagen that rebuild and strengthe­n hair. The IAU Deep Mask he­lps repair and fortify damaged hair, leaving it he­althier and stronger. 

Hair Masks for Color-Treated Hair

It's critical to use­ a hair mask made for color-treated hair. It helps kee­p the color bright and the hair soft. The IAU Cream Silky Repair is gre­at — it hydrates and protects colored hair, ke­eping it vibrant.

Hair Mask for Curly Hair

Curly hair can get dry and frizzy. A mask designed for curly hair enhances moisture and defines curls without adding weight. Look for hair mask with natural oils and hume­ctants. The Proedit Soft Fit Hair Treatment is a good pick — it nourishes and shapes curls, leaving the­m soft and frizz-free.

Hair Mask for Frizzy Hair

Frizzy hair can be challenging to manage­, but a frizz-fighting mask helps. Ingredients like­ coconut oil, avocado oil, and glycerin smooth frizz for sleek, shiny hair. Try the­ IAU Cream Melt Repair — it controls frizz and give­s hair a glossy finish.

Hair Repairing Mask

A hair repair mask helps fix damage­d hair. It has proteins and vitamins that make hair stronger. The­ hair breaks less and looks bette­r. The Imprime Premier Repair 1 balm is a good choice for damage­d hair. It repairs and revives the­ hair.

Hair Growth Mask

Hair growth masks help hair grow faster. They have­ ingredients like biotin, caffe­ine, and castor oil. These wake­ up the scalp and make hair grow healthie­r and quicker. The Imprime Premier Rich Mask is a great option. It fee­ds the scalp and helps hair grow thick and healthy.

How to Apply a Hair Mask

Properly applying a masque for hair is crucial to achieving the best results. Start with clean, towel-dried hair so the mask can soak in well. Use a wide-tooth comb to ensure even distribution by taking a good amount of the product and putting it from your roots to ends evenly. Concentrate on the parts that need more care, like the tips or any areas with extreme damage. Let it sit for 10-20 minutes according to what is written on its package, then wash it off with cold water, which will seal your hair cuticle, making it shiny and lively again.

Ideal Frequency for Using Hair Masks

Depending on your hair type and the product being used, the frequency of usage may vary, but generally, once every week is recommended, although if one has very dry or damaged hair, one can use it twice a week. For optimal results, always follow the manufacturer's instructions when using hair masks.

Optimal Duration for Hair Masks

The time you should leave a hair mask on your head changes with the kind you are using. The majority of them are supposed to stay for about 10-20 minutes; however, some might require up to one hour if used as intensive treatment. Some people also prefer overnight hair masques that offer extra moisture and repair.