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Lebel IAU Cell Care 5M Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 5M

Ideaalne kuivade ja kahjustatud juuste taastamiseks, niisutab, muudab juuksed siledaks, läikivaks ja siidiseks. Muudab juuksed juhitavaks ja niiskust täis. Pikendab Lebeli salongihoolduse "Happiness for Hair" toimet.  IAU Cell Care 5M...
Lebel IAU Mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU mask

Taastab juuste struktuuri rakutasandil. Maski koostisosad taastavad juuste sees olevate rakumembraanide kompleksi, andes sära ja sileduse, parandades struktuuri, ravides lõhenenud juukseotsi ja hõlbustades juuste kujundamist. Mask muudab juuksed tihedaks, visuaalselt...
Lebel IAU DEEP Mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Mask niisutab sügavalt, intensiivselt ja taastab kuivi, poorseid, särisevaid ja kahjustatud juukseid. Maski komponendid taastavad juuste sees olevate rakumembraanide kompleksi, annavad sära ja sileduse, parandavad struktuuri, ravivad lõhenenud juukseotsi ja...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 5S Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 5S

Ideaalne õhukeste ja pehmete juuste taastamiseks, niisutab, annab tihedust, läiget ja siidisust. Pikendab Lebeli salongiprotseduuri "Õnne juustele" toimet. IAU Cell Care 5S on esmaklassiline segmendi mask õhukeste juuste intensiivseks taastamiseks...
Lebel Lebel IAU Cell Care SPA Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com
9 pcs9 pcs with with triggers8 pcs with 3M8 pcs with 3S8 pcs with 3S with triggers8 pcs with 3M with triggers

Lebel IAU Cell Care SPA (9 komponenti)

Juuste taastamine ja niisutamine molekulaarsel tasemel IAU Cell Care SPA “Absolute Happiness for hair” programm Jaapani kaubamärgilt Lebel. Programmi spetsiaalselt valitud koostisosad aitavad läbi viia ka kõige kuivemate ja poorsemate...
Lebel IAU SERUM Mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com


Lebeli kontsentreeritud aroomimask IAU Serum Mask sobib kuivadele, hõrenenud, lokkis ja tuhmunud juustele. Maski aktiivsed komponendid täidavad kiharad sära ja elujõuga, uuendades ja toites järjekindlalt iga juuksetüve kihti, pakkudes samas...
Napla Imprime premier Rich mask Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

Jäta mulje esmaklassilisest Rich maskist

See koduse juuste taastamise mask on tõeline pääste kahjustatud, rabedate, tuhmide ja lõhenenud otstega lokkide jaoks. Kosmeetikatoode ei toimi juuste pinnal, vaid tungib sügavale küünenaha alla, küllastades ja toites juukseharusid...
Lebel Lebel IAU Cell Care SPA Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com
5 pcs4 pcs with 3M4 pcs with 3S

Lebel IAU Cell Care SPA

SPA “Locked up Moisture” pole mitte ainult väga tõhus taastav eriprogramm, vaid ka üks osa tuntud SPA-st “Absolute Happiness for hair”  See koosneb neljast etapist ja toimib nagu kõrgetasemeline detox...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 3M Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 3M

vedel bambuse ekstrakt, arginiin, glütseriin, lymnanthus valge ekstrakt. Sügavniisutav kreem täidab juuksed õige koguse niiskusega, muutes need terveks, elastseks ja tihedaks. Taastab juuste struktuuri ja tasakaalustab lõhenenud juukseotsi. Kasutada ainult...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 2 Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU rakuhooldus 2

Tagab juuste struktuuri taastamise ja tugevdamise. Kasutada ainult SPA protseduuri komponendina. Juhised: Kandke teise sammuna vastavalt protseduuri "Õnne juustele" juhistele. Ärge kandke juuksejuurtele. IAU Cell Care 2 on Lebeli teise...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 3S Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU Cell Care 3S

Intensiivselt pinguldav juuksekreem Lebel IAU Cell Care 3S Silky on Lebeli protseduuri "Happiness for Hair" kolmas komponent. Kasutatakse õhukestele kuivadele juustele. Intensiivselt pinguldav juuksekreem on mõeldud hõrenenud ja kahjustatud lokkidele,...
Lebel IAU Cell Care 4 Exclusive Cosmetics - exc-beauty.com

IAU rakuhooldus 4

vedel bambuse ekstrakt, arginiin, glütseriin, lymnanthus valge ekstrakt. Sügavniisutav kreem täidab juuksed õige koguse niiskusega, muutes need terveks, elastseks ja tihedaks. Taastab juuste struktuuri ja tasakaalustab lõhenenud juukseotsi. Kasutada ainult...

Japanese Intensive Hair Masks

In the heart of every tradition lies a secret to beauty that transcends time. Japanese hair care is no exception, revered for its meticulous approach to maintaining hair that's as healthy as it is beautiful. Exclusive Cosmetics introduces a line of Japanese Intensive Hair Masks designed not just to meet the needs of your hair but to redefine what you expect from your hair care regimen. With a focus on intensive repair and intense moisture, this intensive hair mask is more than a mere addition to your routine; they are a transformation waiting to unfold.

The Secret to Silky Hair with Our Intensive Repair Hair Mask

Silkiness and strength are not mutually exclusive. Our intensive repair hair mask is proof of that. Engineered for those who believe in the power of recovery, this mask dives deep into the hair's structure, mending it from the inside out. The result? Resilience radiates with every strand, giving you hair that doesn't just look healthy but genuinely is.

Why Choose Our Intense Moisture Hair Mask?

In pursuing unparalleled hair care, selecting the right products can make all the difference between lackluster locks and radiant tresses. Our intense moisture hair mask stands out in a crowded marketplace for several compelling reasons. Formulated to meet the needs of those seeking not just improvement but transformation, this mask is a beacon for anyone aspiring to achieve the ultimate in hair health and beauty. Here are key reasons why our mask should be your go-to choice:

  • Deep Hydration: Our product dives deep into the hair shaft to deliver unmatched hydration where it's needed most. This isn't just surface-level care; it's a profound moisture infusion that revitalizes from the inside out.
  • Revolutionary Formula: Blending traditional Japanese ingredients known for their hair benefits with cutting-edge technology, this intense hair mask offers a unique solution that combats dryness and brittleness, leaving your hair supple and resilient.
  • Versatility: Whether you're dealing with the aftermath of styling, environmental stress, or natural dryness, our mask's formula is designed to address a wide range of concerns, making it an ideal choice for virtually any hair type.
  • Ease of Use: Our moisture mask combines convenience with efficacy. Designed for both efficiency and effectiveness, it fits seamlessly into your hair care routine and requires only a few minutes to work its magic.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Unlike other treatments that offer only temporary solutions, our product ensures that your hair remains hydrated, smooth, and shiny long after use. It goes beyond the initial results, focusing on maintaining wellness and allure in the long run.
  • Rave Reviews: The consensus is in — users consistently rate this as the best intensive hair mask for its ability to transform dry, damaged hair into a vision of health. Don't just take our word for it; the results speak for themselves.

Restore Locks with Japanese Intense Treatments for Hair

Revitalization is a cornerstone of Japanese hair care philosophy, where the focus extends beyond repairing damage to actively preventing it. Our Japanese intense treatments for hair are crafted to embody this holistic approach, delivering solutions that repair and also strengthen hair against future damage. These treatments are designed with the essence of rejuvenation in mind, ensuring each strand is cared for and protected.

By choosing our collection of intensive treatments, you're not merely caring for your hair; you're setting off on a path of rejuvenation, enabling your strands to reclaim their inherent vigor and radiance. Witness the transformation as your hair gradually returns to its original splendor, becoming healthier and more resilient with each application. This is the promise of our products — a promise of restoration, one strand at a time.